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I have been in the personal training world for 25 years, since the age of 15.  By this point I estimate I have trained over 10,000 people personally in groups and one-on-one sessions.  I have also sold hundreds of thousands of online video workouts in the last 5 years.

What’s the major lesson I have learned through all these years of experience? The entire fitness industry has been doing things the exact WRONG way!

Today in fitness it is all about training longer, harder or more frequently.  The militant style of “train hard or go home” has dominated. That’s ok if you are a 25 year old badass. I know because I used to be one of those guys.

If I knew then what I know now, I could have spent half the time in the gym and gotten even better results. Now that I’m in my 40’s, I rarely workout more than four times per week and my workouts almost never last over twenty minutes.

To develop a healthy fit body and keep it, does not require working harder, longer or more frequently.  It is all about working smarter. That is what I am going to teach you how to do.


I have several complete fitness programs I have developed to help you no matter where you are starting.


State-of-the-industry metabolic conditioning workouts designed specifically for the female metabolism and released through NextLevelHuman.com. 4, 12-week programs. 52 weeks of workouts. These are the sequel to Metabolic Renewal.



State-of-the-industry metabolic conditioning workouts designed specifically for men and released through NextLevelHuman.com. 4, 12-week programs. 52 weeks of workouts. These are the sequel to Metabolic Prime.



The most advanced workout program for serious fitness. Throw bodybuilding, interval training and Crossfit into a blender and you have an idea about Metabolic 10. 12-week advanced workout program. Over 70 different workouts are presented in video instructionals. This is the program Dr Jade does himself.



"More than just a diet, this complete nutrition and exercise system will finally unlock the door to a leaner, stronger, fitter body. If you’ve been looking for something that incorporates the most effective cutting edge tips, tricks and techniques for dropping fat in a hurry… this is it!"

— Christian Finn
International Health & Fitness Expert Founder of www.muscleevo.com

"If you’ve struggled relentlessly to ditch stubborn fat, this could be your ticket for fast, lasting fat loss. Can’t recommend this book highly enough!"

— JJ Virgin
NY Times bestseller & Founder www.jjvirgin.com

50% Complete

Two Step

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