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When most people think of the metabolism they think it works like this:

Eat less → Lose weight → Have a balanced, healthy metabolism

That is completely wrong and backwards. It actually works like this:

Balance the metabolism → Automatically eat less → Lose weight and get healthy.

See the difference? There is no generic, off-the-shelf diet or health regime that automatically leads to weight loss and health.

You don’t find a diet or program to follow, you build a lifestyle from a deep understanding of your unique metabolism, psychology and personal preferences.

That is why I started the company Metabolic Effect or ME.  It is the Sherlock Holmes of the health and fitness world.  Helping you find what works for you.

It is like going back to school to earn a degree in your metabolism. What you need is to stop being the dieter and learn how to be your own metabolic detective. That is what I teach you to do.


I have several programs I have developed to help no matter where you are starting.

Nutrition, Metabolism & Mindset 
(52 weeks of meal plans & coaching)

A year-long program designed to give you everything you need. 52 weeks of meal plans, recipes, food lists and shopping guide as well as weekly metabolism education & mindset coaching for the entire year. Delivered through NextLevelHuman.com


Coach With Dr Jade

Get started with elite level coaching with Dr Jade and the Next Level Human Coaches.


Free Training For Coaches

Learn the 10 Rules of Coaching & get introduced to a brand new certification— The Human Coach — from Next Level Human & Dr Jade Teta. 



"More than just a diet, this complete nutrition and exercise system will finally unlock the door to a leaner, stronger, fitter body. If you’ve been looking for something that incorporates the most effective cutting edge tips, tricks and techniques for dropping fat in a hurry… this is it!"

— Christian Finn
International Health & Fitness Expert Founder of www.muscleevo.com

"If you’ve struggled relentlessly to ditch stubborn fat, this could be your ticket for fast, lasting fat loss. Can’t recommend this book highly enough!"

— JJ Virgin
NY Times bestseller & Founder www.jjvirgin.com

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