Is Honesty Kinder Than Kindness?

Honesty is kinder than kindness. This may sound counterintuitive, but hear me out. While it's important to be kind to others, sometimes kindness can be a form of dishonesty. We may avoid difficult conversations or sugarcoat the truth to spare someone's feelings. But in doing so, we rob them of...
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How To Think For Yourself

  When one person says about another, “Now they are finally thinking for themselves,” what they usually mean is; “Now they are thinking like me.” In truth, thinking for yourself without first considering others’ opinions, is a sure way to become ignorant and...
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Jade Teta Hormone Quiz? The Science & Rationale

“Hormone types” are a best guess as to what lifestyle elements one may want to start with. They stratify women into buckets based on life stage and hormonal symptoms. . There are not 7 hormone types, there are infinite types. Each woman is different. The types help narrow down each...
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What is a Good Human? Kant's Categorical Imperative for Next Level Humans

For those who love philosophy, there are always debates about who your favorite philosopher is. And it is always a very tough question. My favorites include all the stoics, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Kant, and William James But of all of those, if you had to pin me down, I would likely settle on Kant....
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Contraceptive Pills Chart (Dr Jade Teta)

Oral contraception is a controversial topic. Is it healthy? Is it dangerous? What are the issues associated with these drugs? I recently did a deep dive into this class of drugs for the professionals I train who work with women. I wish I had this table early on in my career so I could help more...
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Is A Next Level Human Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

My closest friends & I are always debating, thinking and discussing. When we see a charged social issue start flooding the media, we try to ask questions rather than make judgements. So, when the latest debate on abortion exploded I was not surprised to get a text from a friend; “jade,...
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Alcohol & Weight Lifting, Weight Loss & Fitness

Flashback to 1995. I'm 22 years old. I study biochemistry in the mornings and I train myself and a few clients in the afternoons. After 9 PM I'm a bartender at one of the hottest bars at North Carolina State University. The place was called La Cantina. It was ranked by Playboy as one of the best...
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Stop Caring What People Think: How To.

There is someone’s approval you seek, and it drives you crazy that he/she won’t give it to you. I know what that is like. Historically I have cared little about what others thought about me. That’s probably because I had two parents who loved me unconditionally and siblings who...
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Next Level Human: How To Become One.

The steps to becoming a next level human: Step 1: Know Yourself (Verum Videre) To know thyself is not just to study thyself, but to also see through the stories you are trapped inside. Stories told by your culture, stories you created as a child; stories of hurt, fear and failure. To know thyself...
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What Kind Of Human Are You?

We all have a base-level self, and mine still comes out on occasion. It happens very rarely and only with certain people, but it happens none-the-less. I don’t like when it happens, but I am grateful to be self-aware enough to catch it. One of my favorite quotes by Bruce Lee is, “To...
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Next-Level Relationships. 10 Ways To Vet The People In Your Life

I am ordering a coffee at a local coffee shop. A woman walks in and says to another woman standing in line behind me, “Hey sugar! How arrrrrrre you?” Southerners like to draw out their words like that, and they love to use words like sugar, honey and darling (daaarlin if you are...
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Heart Broken? Why You Fall So Hard, How To Move on

Let me share a private message I received some months back from a woman in her late twenties.  I am partly paraphrasing and part quoting.  The message was this: “You don’t know me, but I have been a long-time follower of yours. I did not realize you work in the...
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Sleep, Hunger, Mood, Energy, Cravings: Is Your SHMEC in check?

Is Your SHMEC in Check? It is true that in order to lose weight — and more specifically, fat — you do need to have a caloric deficit. But, a low-calorie diet does not lead to a balanced and stable metabolism. In fact, it leads to the reverse. Taking a calorie-first approach by...
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Is Your HEC in Check? Hormones Vs. Calories

Which matters more, calories or hormones? Not an easy question right? Calories influence hormones and hormones influence calories. The truth is: both matter. From my perspective, hormones matter more because when properly controlled, the hormonal influences on metabolism reduce and even eliminate...
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Weight Loss vs Fat Loss: Key Distinctions

Fat loss requires a very different thought process compared to weight loss. These distinctions get lost on many people, yet are perhaps the most important concepts to understand in switching to a fat loss mindset. Here are the 5 key thought differences between followers of the fat loss lifestyle...
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Male Attractiveness: The Female Perspective.

I am known as a health fitness guy.  It is where I have published most of my work.  What many don’t know is that I have been working in the field of self-help and self-development for just as long.  It is equally a passion and an expertise of mine. One of my main areas of...
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The Mindset, Body Change Habit

Have you ever heard the saying, “change your mind, change your body?” You know it works the other way too,right? I know this is a concept that gets by many people. They have heard the idea, but just don’t get it.  I know, because I, too, had heard the idea and agreed...
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Delusion and the Pursuit of Personal Growth

I often talk about delusion as a major block to being able to see the world, and ourselves, clearly. The official definition of delusion is, “a belief that is firmly maintained despite being thoroughly contradicted by fact or reality.” Delusion is a natural tendency of the human mind...
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No More Mr. Nice Guy: Why She Calls You A Pussy

It has been said that, “good guys finish last.” I am not a fan of these “rule of thumb” statements. They rarely represent the entire story, yet often get it completely wrong. That being said, there are some very important points men, who are “good guys,” should...
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“What Should I Do About This Girl I Like?” Dating Advice For Guys

The other day I was walking down Broadway Street in Santa Monica, California with a friend of mine who drove up to visit from San Diego. If you walk west on Broadway you will run right into the Santa Monica pier. From my apartment the walk is just under a mile, which gave us plenty of time to...
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Why I am a racist, and you are too.

Imagine a bunch of Italian Americans sitting around a large dining room table with a million different food items spread out in front of them: A big bowl of bread, a giant 10L bottle of olive oil, two different kinds of pasta, a large salad, which no one is eating. A bowl of meatballs, a bigger...
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My Code Of Conduct: 10 Behaviors Of An Enviable Man

The last few years have not been easy ones for me. I lost my way. I got distracted.  I chased all the wrong things and trusted all the wrong people.  I did not completely live up to the man I have always wanted to be. I had no defined code of conduct. But then that is life and...
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Gossip. The Relationship Killer….Or Not?

“I can’t believe you are sitting around talking shit about me!” “What?” I said. “I would never do that. I was sticking up for you. I would never let someone disparage you. Anytime I have heard anyone say something about you, I came to your defense.” This...
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Shame, Guilt And The Way Back

I am not presently seeing any life-coaching clients. It’s a good thing too, because I have been deeply involved in coaching with three of my friends who are going through issues in their personal romantic lives. These people are close to me and I know will be reading this blog. In fact,...
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Our Stories: Why We Have Them And Where They Come From

We humans operate from groups of stories we have told ourselves over the years. These stories control us in almost every way because they define how we see the world, and our place in it. Ironically, very few of these stories were actually authored by us. Instead they were unconsciously adopted...
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How To Be Productive. Know Your Ultradian Rhythms

Do you know what an ultradian rhythm is? it is the natural fluctuation in your energy batteries through the day. We humans have periods of time where we are capable of high energy output and focus, but we also have time periods where our battery charge is much lower. This is called the ultradian...
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The Morpheus Effect: Change Yourself To Change The World

I am sitting at the dining room table with my mother and father and 3 siblings.  I am probably six years old.  My two brothers, Kimo and Keoni, are 11 and 9.  My sister Jodi is 8.  I don’t know what the conversation is about, but the message my mother...
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Distance, Persistence and Resistance: How to Handle Psychological Sabotage.

Let’s say you’re talking to a friend or family member. Someone close to you. A person you love dearly. Through the conversation, something just feels wrong.  In fact, let’s say it often feels wrong with this particular person. You tell them how you feel about them....
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How To Find Your Passion? Create It Instead

When I was in high school I remember having a conversation with my father. He and my mother had just discovered that I had missed over 50 days of school my junior year. He was distraught, to say the least, although he and my mom (mostly my mom) covered for me with the school, so I did not get in...
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Fuck Your Feelings…….And Mine Too

You are having a conversation with a friend. He/She is going on and on about something he/she feels passionate about. You don’t completely agree and can see where he/she is mistaken in your mind. You nod your head in agreement, while internally you think, “I don’t agree...
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Time? Who’s got it?: Why it’s important to make time to find yourself.

Many of us will go to great lengths to avoid spending time with ourselves. I have always found it the most powerful, educational and energizing thing I can do. One of my favorite times of the day is the morning. I often get up extra early, not because I am working but, because I love the...
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Giver or Taker: Boundaries or Baggage: Who controls your relationships?

It may surprise you to know that studies on success and happiness show “givers” to fare worse than anyone else. They are often the least successful and happy.However, they are also the most happy and successful of all people. Are you scratching your head wondering how both things can...
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From Lost-love to Self-love: A New Mindset.

He wanted the relationship to continue; She didn’t. She chose someone else. It hurt. He didn’t understand. Romantic rejection is one thing, but being rejected as a friend too. That is even more painful “No I can’t see you for coffee.” “No I am busy.” ...
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Changing Your Life? Write Your Story

Socrates was pretty much a badass. At a time when the Greek way was to do everything by committee and consensus of the popular vote, he was the first to question the logic. He recognized that “group think” was a danger to the truth. He believed that humans, by their very nature, were...
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Breakups, Unrequited love & Romantic Loss: How To Get Over it & Move On

Some of the issues you deal with as a life coach are in the realm of romantic relationships, and more specifically, hurt and loss in romantic relationships. One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome as a human is unrequited love, the idea that you love and adore somebody who does not...
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The Power Statement: The Elevator Pitch In One to Two Sentences

You may not know this about me, but I am a bit of an introvert. I like being in the party but not part of it. This could be the reason I bartended in undergrad and medical school.  Tending bar allowed me to people watch, something I love. I am fascinated by human behavior and this allowed me...
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Think Differently: How To Beat Your Hidden Belief System

Limits are almost all self-imposed. We humans construct a psychological box of beliefs and behaviors. This box represents the way we perceive the world. Is the world safe or not? Are women, or men, to be trusted? Does money represent possibility or evil? Do we constantly think we are the smartest...
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Habitual Liar? Bullshitter? Avoider? Here is what to do…

We had been through a lot together. The kind of thing where you are the only two in the world who know what is going on and that connection is what binds you to each other in the strongest of ways. The trust is just there. The loyalty is not questioned. That is why what happened ripped me up...
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Wisdom: The Third Superpower.

The third power is Wisdom. The first two powers, Perception & Ownership, I covered in previous blogs HERE, HERE and HERE. Let’s define Wisdom.  There is information. This you gather from your senses and various sources (blogs, books, school, etc). But...
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Engagement: The Power Of Taking Decisive Action

This is part of a 6-part series called the “6-Powers.”  To read the previous blogs & complete the series they can be found here: Perception BlogOwnership Blog:  Part 1 and Part 2Wisdom Blog Engagement: The Fourth Power. I was about 3 or 4 years old the day I...
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Resolve: The Fifth Power. How To Embrace Failure & Conquer Your Fears

This blog is part of series of blogs on the 6 Powers, the key insights and action steps to creating the life you dream of. Resolve is the fifth and final superpower. The other four superpowers: Perception, your ability to perceive the world and your place in it accurately; ...
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The Worst Best Friend: Why Everyone Should Have One.

I am on the phone with my friend.  Our voices are raised and we are beyond frustrated, bordering on angry.  It seems as if we don’t give a shit about each other. In my head, I am like “Fuck this, I don’t even know if I like this person!!” I am simply dumfounded...
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High Performance, Energy and Focus: The 3 Batteries

You ever wonder why you sometimes feel down, unable to focus, physically exhausted without high performance? I went through a stage early on in my fitness business where I could not overcome procrastination, was feeling uncharacteristically depressed and lost my motivation for physical exercise...
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Love and Marriage: How To Build Healthy Romantic Relationships

Would You rather listen? Get the unedited blog audio instead? Click the link below: Free Unedited Blog Audio File Many people are familiar with the book, The Five Love Languages, which is a great framework for understanding how to show people affection and love. We have this idea that we...
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Ownership: The Second Superpower. Personal Responsibility

This blog is the second part of my five-part series on the 5 powers (lets see if I can actually get all of them done ? ).  I am currently finishing up my book on the 5 powers that I hope will be available for purchase early next year (2016). To read part 1, the first power of perception,...
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Ownership: The Second Superpower. Personal Responsibility Part 2

This is part 2 of a two part series.  To read Part 1 CLICK HERE The “Will To Meaning” What do you stand for? Can your friends trust you? Can you trust yourself?  Do you know what you want your life to mean?  What legacy do you want to leave behind? The great...
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The Honor Code: Choosing What You Stand For

Part of our human struggle comes from our lack of certainty about who we are and what we want. You don’t get to feel solid and sure if you are just “winging it.” Waiting for the right time or situation more often than not leads to waiting forever. Life requires real choices and...
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Perception: The 1st Superpower

It seems to me that the most pervasive belief related to changing anything is that people can’t change. In some ways, it does make sense. Research shows that humans crave certainty above all else.  Research also makes it clear that when times get stressful, or busy, we default back to...
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The Honor Code: Choosing What You Stand For

Part of our human struggle comes from our lack of certainty about who we are and what we want. You don’t get to feel solid and sure if you are just “winging it.” Waiting for the right time or situation more often than not leads to waiting forever. Life requires real choices and...
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How To Control Appetite With Exercise: Walking, Sprinting, Running

The "eat less, exercise more approach" to weight loss is more complicated than it appears. This is because human physiology works in direct opposition to this approach. When we exercise more, the natural compensatory reaction of the body is to eat more and when we exercise less, the body responds...
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